Sunday, May 3, 2009

Using Facebook to Promote Your Business

o how and where do you go to promote your business on Facebook so that your personal profile isn’t associated with your professional site?

Here’s a step by step guide:

1. Login to your Facebook account. If you don’t have one, it takes 5 minutes to set an account up.

2. Scroll down to the very bottom of your home page, and click on the ‘Advertising’ link in the footer.

3. Click on the ‘Pages’ link at the top of this page

4. Then click on the link that says ‘Create a Page’ (it’s kind of hard to see)

5. Now Select Your Category (let’s say you’re in the printing industry)

6. Now go through the process of uploading your image, writing in some info about yourself, and publish the page. Now comes the meat and potatoes. Go t

o your admin area by clicking on Edit Page:

7. Then click on this link here : More Useful Apps

8. Now you’ll see a list of the most useful apps for pages, I’ve circled the best ones for SEO and User Friendliness:

9. The FBML app allows you to add static html to a widget in your page’s sidebar. Which means links, links to images, and there are a number of fbml markup tags that you can use in it as well. All dofollow!

10. The Blog RSS Feed Reader sometimes doesn’t work correctly, and you have to know the RSS feed of your blog (but I’m assuming that if you have a blog, you’ll know what your RSS feed is). But when this app works correctly, it will add an RSS feed of your 5-10 most recent posts, pulling in the title of the post, with do follow links to each blog post. Very handy!

To sum up, if you are using Facebook, the 2 best apps for links that are helpful to your fans are the Blog RSS Reader, and the Static FBML App.


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